Legal notice and Privacy Policy

In compliance with Law 34/2002, of July 11, on information society services and electronic commerce (LSSI), we inform you that Tracks and Pedals is a company owned by Domingo Rus Arce with NIF 73916388T and address social at Soroller street, nº 5, 46780 Oliva (Valencia).

General conditions of use.

The domain names and are owned by Domingo Rus Arce and their exclusive use is reserved for him.

The official portal of Tracks and Pedals is and, both this and the rest of the portals under the aforementioned domains and their subdomains, are intended to provide the general public with knowledge of the activities that this company carries out and of the services it provides for travelers and tourists.

The use of any of these websites implies the express and full acceptance of the conditions set forth herein, without prejudice to those particular conditions that may apply to some of the specific services offered through the website.

Tracks and Pedals reserves the right to make, at any time and without prior notice, modifications and updates to the information contained on its website or in its configuration and presentation.

In order to keep the information published on the portals updated, its contents may be modified, corrected, deleted or added at any time, so it will be advisable to check their validity or accuracy by going to official sources.

Intellectual property.

All elements that make up the website, including, among others, images, brands, logos, other distinctive signs, graphics, animations, texts or computer applications, whatever their format, programming language and form of representation, as well as their structure, design, or source code, are the property of Tracks and Pedals or its collaborators, or have acquired the corresponding rights from their owners, and are protected by international laws and treaties on intellectual property and, where applicable, industrial, as well as by the regulations governing domain names.

Tracks and Pedals expressly prohibits the creation of “framings”, hiding the origin or source of the contents, the use by third parties of any other mechanisms that alter the design, original configuration or contents of our portals, any use, transformation or exploitation of the same for commercial, promotional or contrary purposes to the law, morality or public order, which could harm the interests or damage the image of Tracks and Pedals or legitimate third parties, which constitute unfair competition or, in general, against the provided in this document.

The use of the content must respect its particular license. Thus, its use, reproduction, distribution, public communication, transformation or any other similar or analogous activity is totally prohibited unless there is prior and express authorization from Tracks and Pedals. Any other use must be previously and expressly communicated and authorized by Tracks and Pedals.

Tracks and Pedals declares its respect for the intellectual and industrial property rights of third parties; Therefore, if you consider that our portals may be violating your rights, please contact Tracks and Pedals.


Tracks and Pedals makes every effort within its means to offer the information contained on the website truthfully and without typographical errors. In the event that at any time an error of this type occurs, beyond the control of Tracks and Pedals at all times, it will be immediately corrected. If there is a typographical error in any of the prices shown and a customer has made a purchase decision based on said error, Tracks and Pedals will inform the customer of said error and the customer will have the right to cancel their registration at no cost on their part.

The contents of the website may, at times, show provisional information about some services. In the event that the information provided does not correspond to the definitive characteristics of the training, the client will have the right to cancel their request without any cost on their part.

Both access to the Tracks and Pedals portals and the use that may be made of the information contained therein is the exclusive responsibility of the person doing so. The user will refrain from using any of the services of the portal for illicit purposes or effects, prohibited in this legal notice, harmful to the rights and interests of third parties, or that in any way may damage, disable, overload, deteriorate or prevent the normal use of the services, computer equipment or documents, files and all types of content stored on any computer equipment (hacking) of Tracks and Pedals, or of any Internet user (hardware and software).

The contents of this website, which are offered for informational and informative purposes, do not constitute or substitute individualized and specific advice, for which Tracks and Pedals is exempt from any liability, direct or indirect, that may arise from the use or application of the information on this website outside its purposes.

Tracks and Pedals does not guarantee the reliability, availability or continuity of this website or its contents for technical, security, control or maintenance reasons of the service, for failures due to the server that hosts the content or other intermediaries or providers, for attacks against the computer system, nor for any other reasons arising from causes beyond its control, for which reason it rejects any responsibility, direct or indirect, for the same.

Tracks and Pedals is not responsible for any possible security errors that may occur, nor for any possible damage that may be caused to the user’s computer system (hardware and software), the files or documents stored therein, as a result of:

  1. a) unauthorized, prohibited or illegal access or use of the Tracks and Pedals website,
  2. b) the presence of viruses on the user’s computer used to connect to the services and content of the website, or
  3. c) a malfunction of the browser or the use of non-updated versions of it.

Tracks and Pedals is not responsible for the information and content stored, by way of example but not limited to, in forums, chats, blogs, comments, social networks or any other means that allows third parties to publish content independently on the website of Tracks and Pedals. Tracks and Pedals.

However, and in compliance with the provisions of the LSSI, Tracks and Pedals is made available to all users, authorities and security forces, and actively collaborates in the withdrawal or, where appropriate, blocking of all content that could affect or contravene national or international legislation, third party rights or morality and public order. If the user considers that there is any content on the website that could be susceptible to this classification, please contact Tracks and Pedals.

Links or hyperlinks.

The links contained in our portals may direct to third-party web content. The objective of these links is only to facilitate the search for resources that may interest you on the Internet, expand the information or add useful references. However, these pages do not belong to Tracks and Pedals, nor does it review their content or privacy policies and, therefore, Tracks and Pedals does not assume any responsibility for the content, information or services that may appear on said sites. which will be exclusively informative and which in no case imply any relationship between Tracks and Pedals and the people or entities that own such content or the owners of the sites where they are located. Tracks and Pedals cannot be held responsible for the operation of the linked page or for any possible damages that may arise from access or use of it.

Tracks and Pedals may only be responsible for said content in accordance with the provisions of the LSSI, in the event that, having had effective knowledge of its illegality or that it damages the property or interests of a third party, it does not delete or disable the link to the content. themselves.

Links to the Tracks and Pedals websites must respect the following conditions:

  • The establishment of the link will not imply any type of agreement, contract, sponsorship or recommendation by Tracks and Pedals of the page that makes the link.
  • The web page on which the hyperlink is established will not contain information with content that is illicit, discriminatory, contrary to commonly accepted ethical principles or violates public order, nor will it contain content contrary to any third party rights.
  • Tracks and Pedals may request that a link to its website be removed, without having to give any cause. In this case, the page that made the link must proceed to its immediate deletion, as soon as it receives the Tracks and Pedals notification.
  • Tracks and Pedals is not responsible in any way or guarantees the quality, accuracy, reliability, correctness or morality of the content or services that the establishment of the hyperlink may offer. The user assumes sole responsibility for any consequences, damages or actions that may arise from accessing the hyperlinked website.
  • The web page on which the hyperlink is established may not contain a brand, name, logo, slogan or other distinctive signs belonging to Tracks and Pedals, except for those signs that are part of the hyperlink itself.

Personal data protection.

Through this website, no personal data is collected from users without their knowledge.

In order to offer you the best service and in order to facilitate use, the number of pages visited, the number of visits, as well as the activity of the visitors and their frequency of use are analyzed. For these purposes, Tracks and Pedals uses the statistical information prepared by the Internet service provider.

In the event that you establish any type of communication with Tracks and Pedals, whether by telephone, online form, regular mail or email, your data will be saved and included in a file owned by Tracks and Pedals.

The technical, legal and organizational measures established in the regulations on the protection of personal data are applied to the personal data collected by Tracks and Pedals to prevent any unauthorized access, alteration, loss or processing.

The collection and processing of said data is carried out by Tracks and Pedals, and its purpose is the management, provision, billing, expansion and improvement of the services requested at all times by the user, the monitoring of queries, electronic communications and/or or the preparation of statistics.

In the exceptional event that a service is developed specifically aimed at minors of said age, Tracks and Pedals will request the consent of parents or guardians for the collection of personal data or, where appropriate, for their processing.

Tracks and Pedals is committed to complying with its obligation of secrecy with respect to the personal data provided and the duty to treat them with confidentiality and reserve, in accordance with current legislation. For these purposes, it will adopt the necessary measures to avoid its alteration, loss, treatment or unauthorized access.

In general, personal data will not be communicated to third parties, except under legal obligation, which may include communications to the Tax Agency.

The personal data provided will be kept for the time necessary to fulfill the purpose for which it is collected and to determine the possible responsibilities that may arise from the purpose, in addition to the periods established in the archives and documentation regulations.

To request access, rectification, deletion or limitation of the processing of personal data or to oppose the processing, in the case of the requirements established in the General Data Protection Regulation, as well as in Organic Law 3/2018, of December 5, Protection of Personal Data and guarantee of digital rights, you can write to the person responsible for the treatment, in this case, to Domingo Rus Arce, NIF 73916388T, to the address calle Soroller, nº 5, 46780 de Oliva (Valencia), or in